Baroque Era (1600-1750)
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About Baroque Era

The Baroque Era began at the end of the 16th century and lasted to about 1750. This era reflects a period of time when great changes occurred in music and culture. The Baroque era artistically bridged the gap between the spiritually pure music of the renaissance era and the formalized music of the classical era. The music of the early baroque was composed in a style that was very similar the music of the renaissance era. The baroque era culminated with the exalted music of J.S. Bach, whose three sons were among the first exponents of the new music of the classical era: the era that followed the baroque. The Bach sons greatly influenced classical-era composers Haydn and Mozart.

The baroque style of music represented a complete departure from that of the renaissance era. Sacred music during the renaissance period was sung in the a cappella choral style that was its trademark. If instruments were used at all, they simply copied the parts sung by the choirs instead of introducing separate melodies. In the baroque era, however, instruments gained a place of their own in sacred as well as secular music. Another innovation of the baroque era was the introduction of a solo style. In the renaissance period, all sacred music was performed by choirs; in the baroque, individual parts were assigned to soloists. To backup the singing by these soloists, the concept of the thoroughbass (baso continuo or figured bass) was introduced. This technique allowed a bass part to be assigned to the music, and chords were designated for improvisation above the bass part. Opera first appeared in the early baroque era. The introduction of opera with its solo singing helped form the baroque style, and this style was introduced into the sacred music. Thus the sacred music of the baroque era was composed in a more secular style than was the lofty, celestial choir music of the renaissance.

Chronological List Of Baroque Era Composers Sorted by Year of Birth

( 1600 - 1672 ) GAULTIER, Denis
( 1600 - 1669 ) MOULINIE, Etienne
( 1602 - 1672 ) CHAMBONNIERES, Jacques Champion de
( 1602 - ) FANTINI, Girolamo
( 1603 - 9/10/1680 ) UCCELLINI, Marco
( 1604 - 1670 ) DU FAULT, François
( 1610 - 1682 ) BATTIFERRI, Luigi
( 1610 - 5/08/1684 ) DUMONT, Henri
( 1610 - 6/29/1696 ) LAMBERT, Michel
( 6/22/1611 - 6/27/1679 ) BRUNA, Pablo
( 1615 - 7/29/1669 ) SIMPSON, Christopher
( 5/18/1616 - 5/07/1667 ) FROBERGER, Johann Jakob
( 1620 - 1675 ) NOORDT, Anthoni van
( 1623 - 1679 ) BECKER, Dietrich
( 1623 - 1680 ) SCHMELZER, Johann Heinrich
( 4/23/1623 - 11/24/1722 ) REINCKEN, Jan Adam
( 1626 - 8/26/1661 ) COUPERIN, Louis
( 1626 - 1710 ) MOUTON, Charles
( 4/03/1627 - 2/13/1693 ) KERLL, Johann Caspar
( 1629 - 1680 ) COLISTA, Lelio
( 1629 - 1685 ) NICOLAI, Johann Michael
( 1630 - 1677 ) LOCKE, Matthew
( 11/28/1632 - 3/22/1687 ) LULLY, Jean-Baptiste
( 11/30/1634 - 4/21/1696 ) SOLA, Andres de
( 1635 - 4/23/1691 ) D'ANGLEBERT, Jean-Henri
( 4/29/1636 - 5/01/1679 ) REUSNER, Esaias
( 1637 - 5/09/1707 ) BUXTEHUDE, Dietrich
( 12/07/1637 - 11/21/1710 ) PASQUINI, Bernardo
( 1640 - 1701 ) HARQUART, Carolus
( 1640 - 1690 ) SAINTE-COLOMBE, Sieur de
( 1640 - 1693 ) VEJVANOVSKY, Pavel Josef
( 1642 - 2/25/1682 ) STRADELLA, Alessandro
( 1644 - 2/24/1704 ) CHARPENTIER, Marc-Antoine
( 8/12/1644 - 5/03/1704 ) BIBER, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von
( 9/04/1644 - 4/29/1712 ) CABANILLES, Juan Bautista Jose
( 1648 - ? ) CAPELLI, Giovanni Maria
( 2/23/1648 - 10/01/1708 ) BLOW, John
( 1650 - 1680 ) FRANCESCHINI, Petronio
( 1650 - 11/02/1717 ) WALTHER, Johann Jacob
( 2/17/1653 - 1/08/1713 ) CORELLI, Arcangelo
( 6/01/1653 - 2/23/1704 ) MUFFAT, Georg
( 9/01/1653 - 3/09/1706 ) PACHELBEL, Johann
( 1654 - 1730 ) NASSARRE, Pablo
( 9/29/1654 - 2/09/1740 ) LUBECK, Vincenz
( 5/31/1656 - 8/15/1728 ) MARAIS, Marin
( 12/15/1657 - 6/18/1726 ) DELALANDE, Michel-Richard
( 4/22/1658 - 2/08/1709 ) TORELLI, Giuseppe
( 1659 - 11/21/1695 ) PURCELL, Henry
( 1660 - 1725 ) HOFFMAN, Johann
( 1660 - 1705 ) NOORDT, Sybrant van Jr.
( 4/06/1660 - 6/05/1722 ) KUHNAU, Johann
( 4/19/1660 - 8/03/1716 ) DURON, Sebastian
( 5/02/1660 - 10/22/1725 ) SCARLATTI, Alessandro
( 12/04/1660 - 6/14/1744 ) CAMPRA, Andre
( 1661 - 1747 ) REBEL, Jean-Fery
( 9/02/1661 - 5/18/1733 ) BOHM, Georg
( 11/14/1663 - 8/07/1712 ) ZACHOW, Friederich Wilhelm
( 1684 - 1750 ) BRUHNS, Nikolaus
( 1665 - 8/27/1746 ) FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand
( 12/04/1667 - 9/22/1737 ) MONTECLAIR, Michel Pignolet de
( 1668 - 1705 ) GILLES, Jean
( 11/10/1668 - 9/11/1733 ) COUPERIN, François
( 2/01/1669 - 1723 ) LOPEZ, Miquel
( 1670 - 12/26/1736 ) CALDARA, Antonio
( 1670 - 1748 ) KELLNER, David
( 7/18/1670 - 7/09/1747 ) BONONCINI, Giovanni
( 6/08/1671 - 1/17/1750 ) ALBINONI, Tomaso
( 1672 - 1745 ) FORQUERAY, Antoine
( 1672 - 1737 ) MANCINI, Francesco
( 4/06/1672 - 2/07/1749 ) DESTOUCHES, Andre-Cardinal
( 6/11/1672 - 12/19/1748 ) BONPORTI, Francesco Antonio
( 1674 - 12/01/1707 ) CLARKE, Jeremiah
( 9/29/1674 - 7/16/1762 ) HOTTETERRE, Jacques
( 1676 - 1/06/1742 ) REINHARDT, Johann Georg
( 3/04/1678 - 7/28/1741 ) VIVALDI, Antonio Lucio
( 12/26/1678 - 11/25/1755 ) PISENDEL, Johann Georg
( 1679 - 1735 ) KAUFFMANN, Georg Friedrich
( 10/16/1679 - 12/22/1745 ) ZELENKA, Jan Dismas
( 1680 - 1756 ) DORNEL, Louis Antoine
( 1680 - 1740 ) VALENTINI, Giuseppe
( 11/18/1680 - 7/19/1730 ) LOEILLET, Jean-Baptiste
( 3/14/1681 - 6/25/1767 ) TELEMANN, Georg Philipp
( 1682 - 1/17/1738 ) DANDRIEU, Jean-François
( 4/11/1682 - 12/20/1738 ) MOURET, Jean-Joseph
( 1/13/1683 - 5/10/1760 ) GRAUPNER, Johann Christoph
( 4/17/1683 - 7/16/1729 ) HEINICHEN, Johann David
( 9/25/1683 - 9/12/1764 ) RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe
( 1684 - 1750 ) MARCELLO, Alessandro
( 3/31/1684 - 9/30/1755 ) DURANTE, Francesco
( 1685 - 1751 ) ALBERTI, Giuseppe Matteo
( 1685 - 1764 ) READING, John
( 2/23/1685 - 4/14/1759 ) HANDEL, George Frideric
( 3/21/1685 - 7/28/1750 ) BACH, Johann Sebastian
( 10/26/1685 - 7/23/1757 ) SCARLATTI, Giuseppe Domenico
( 1686 - 1750 ) WEISS, Sylvius Leopold
( 8/09/1686 - 7/24/1739 ) MARCELLO, Benedetto
( 8/17/1686 - 3/03/1768 ) PORPORA, Nicola Antonio
( 12/05/1687 - 9/17/1762 ) GEMINIANI, Francesco Xaverio
( 4/15/1688 - 12/05/1758 ) FASCH, Johann Friedrich
( 1689 - 1765 ) ZELLBELL, Ferdinand
( 12/23/1689 - 10/28/1755 ) BOISMORTIER, Joseph Bodin de
( 1690 - 1723 ) BABELL, William
( 1690 - 1768 ) BALDASSARE, Pietro
( 1690 - 1772 ) BARSANTI, Francesco
( 1690 - 1762 ) NAUDOT, Jean Jacques-Christophe
( 1690 - 1766 ) ROSEINGRAVE, Thomas
( 1/13/1690 - 11/27/1749 ) STOLZEL, Gottfried Heinrich
( 4/25/1690 - 12/09/1770 ) MUFFAT, Gottlieb Theophil
( 1692 - 1766 ) WASSENAER, Unico Wilhelm van
( 4/08/1692 - 2/26/1770 ) TARTINI, Giuseppe
( 1693 - 1745 ) FORSTER, Christoph
( 7/04/1694 - 6/15/1772 ) DAQUIN, Louis-Claude
( 10/26/1694 - 11/20/1758 ) ROMAN, Johan Helmich
( 1/06/1695 - 11/01/1750 ) SAMMARTINI, Giuseppe
( 9/03/1695 - 3/30/1764 ) LOCATELLI, Pietro-Antonio
( 1696 - 1764 ) FEVRIER, Pierre
( 1696 - 1765 ) HURLEBUSCH, Konrad Friedrich
( 1696 - 1765 ) MOLTER, Johann Melchior
( 8/12/1696 - 12/01/1755 ) GREENE, Maurice
( 1/30/1697 - 7/12/1773 ) QUANTZ, Johann Joachim
( 5/10/1697 - 10/22/1764 ) LECLAIR, Jean Marie I'aine
( 3/25/1699 - 12/16/1783 ) HASSE, Johann Adolph
( 1700 - 1748 ) BLAVET, Michel
( 1701 - 1765 ) AGRELL, Johan Joachim
( 1701 - 1780 ) NERUDA, Johann Baptist Georg
( 1701 - 1/15/1775 ) SAMMARTINI, Giovanni Battista
( 1703 - 10/27/1771 ) GRAUN, Johann Gottlieb
( 1703 - 1758 ) TRAVERS, John
( 1/20/1703 - 6/22/1741 ) FIOCCO, Joseph-Hector
( 1704 - 1774 ) TUMA, Frantisek Antonín Ignac
( 5/07/1704 - 8/08/1759 ) GRAUN, Carl Heinrich
( 6/11/1704 - 8/25/1742 ) SEIXAS, Jose Antonio Carlos de
( 1705 - 6/06/1747 ) BARRIERE, Jean
( 1705 - 1755 ) ROYER, Joseph-Nicholas-Pancrace
( 1706 - 1761 ) CECERE, Carlo
( 1/17/1706 - 4/17/1790 ) FRANKLIN, Benjamin
( 10/18/1706 - 1/03/1785 ) GALUPPI, Baldassare
( 1707 - 8/25/1791 ) PARADISI, Pietro Domenico
( 5/03/1708 - 4/22/1776 ) SCHEIBE, Johann Adolph
( 6/19/1708 - 1763 ) JANITSCH, Johann Gottlieb
( 1709 - 1795 ) CORRETTE, Michel
( 1709 - 1763 ) SCHAFFRATH, Christoph
( 2/16/1709 - 5/09/1770 ) AVISON, Charles
( 11/22/1709 - 3/07/1786 ) BENDA, Frantisek
( 12/01/1709 - 9/12/1789 ) RICHTER, Franz Xaver
( 12/23/1709 - 11/26/1778 ) HAMAL, Jean-Noel
( 1710 - 1778 ) HOPKEN, Arvid Niclas von
( 1710 - 1790 ) ROLLIG, Johann Georg
( 1/04/1710 - 3/16/1736 ) PERGOLESI, Giovanni Battista
( 3/12/1710 - 3/05/1778 ) ARNE, Thomas Augustine
( 11/22/1710 - 7/01/1784 ) BACH, Wilhelm Friedemann
( 9/11/1711 - 2/07/1779 ) BOYCE, William
( 9/17/1711 - 4/07/1783 ) HOLZBAUER, Ignaz Jakob
( 1712 - 1765 ) HEBDEN, John
( 1/17/1712 - 5/19/1786 ) STANLEY, John
( 1/24/1712 - 8/17/1786 ) FREDERICH The Great
( 10/10/1713 - 1/02/1780 ) KREBS, Johann Ludwig
( 1714 - 1767 ) BRANT, Per
( 2/02/1714 - 6/05/1785 ) HOMILIUS, Gottfried August
( 3/08/1714 - 12/14/1788 ) BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel
( 1/12/1715 - 7/15/1789 ) DUPHLY, Jacques
( 1/29/1715 - 3/01/1777 ) WAGENSEIL, Georg Christoph
( 1716 - 1779 ) JOHNSEN, Hinrich Philip
( 4/12/1716 - 6/08/1796 ) GIARDINI, Felice de'
( 1717 - 1785 ) STRAUBE, Rudolf
( 4/09/1717 - 10/03/1750 ) MONN, Georg Matthias
( 6/19/1717 - 3/27/1757 ) STAMITZ, Johann Wenzel Anton
( 1718 - 1749 ) BIBER, Carl Heinrich
( 11/14/1719 - 5/28/1787 ) MOZART, Johann Georg Leopold
( 12/24/1719 - 7/25/1759 ) ALTNIKOL, Johann Christoph
( 1720 - 1783 ) VINCENT, Thomas
( 1720 - 1781 ) WESSTROM, Anders
( 1/04/1720 - 12/02/1774 ) AGRICOLA, Johann Friedrich
( 1721 - 1799 ) HELLENDAAL, Pieter
( 4/24/1721 - 7/27/1783 ) KIRNBERGER, Johann Philipp
( 1722 - 1810 ) GARTH, John
( 1/28/1722 - 9/01/1777 ) BACH, Johann Ernst
( 4/12/1722 - 5/07/1793 ) NARDINI, Pietro
( 6/30/1722 - 11/06/1795 ) BENDA, Jiri Antonín
( 12/22/1723 - 6/20/1787 ) ABEL, Carl Friedrich
( 1724 - 1808 ) CIRRI, Giovanni Battista
( 1725 - 1765 ) STALDER, Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik
( 1725 - 1770 ) WALOND, William
( 1726 - 1787 ) STARZER, Josef
( 1727 - 1799 ) BALBASTRE, Claude-Benigne
( 1727 - 1789 ) HERTEL, Johann Wilhelm
( 2/25/1727 - 2/02/1789 ) COUPERIN, Armand-Louis
( 3/14/1727 - 4/13/1756 ) GOLDBERG, Johann Gottlieb
( 1/17/1728 - 7/14/1788 ) MUTHEL, Johann Gottfried
( 12/20/1728 - 7/02/1794 ) POKORNY, Franz Xaver
( 12/03/1729 - 12/20/1783 ) SOLER, Padre Antonio Francisco Javier Jose
( 1730 - 2/14/1790 ) BOND, Capel
( 1730 - 1785 ) BURTON, John
( 12/08/1731 - 2/12/1799 ) DUSEK, Frantisek Xaver
( 1/02/1732 - 10/14/1771 ) BRIXI, Franz Xaver
( 3/31/1732 - 5/31/1809 ) HAYDN, Franz Joseph
( 6/21/1732 - 1/26/1795 ) BACH, Johann Christoph Friedrich
( 1733 - 1800 ) FISCHER, Johann Christian
( 1733 - 1827 ) SCHULZE, Johann Philipp Christian
( 1/17/1734 - 2/16/1829 ) GOSSEC, François-Joseph
( 6/15/1734 - 5/14/1801 ) ALTENBURG, Johann Ernst
( 1735 - 3/04/1804 ) ROLLIG, Karl Leopold
( 9/05/1735 - 1/01/1782 ) BACH, Johann Christian
( 2/03/1736 - 3/07/1809 ) ALBRECHTSBERGER, Johann Georg
( 3/09/1737 - 2/04/1781 ) MYSLIVECEK, Josef
( 9/14/1737 - 8/10/1806 ) HAYDN, Johann Michael
( 1738 - 1799 ) REINDL, Constantin
( 1739 - 1789 ) GOLABEK, Jakub
( 5/12/1739 - 8/20/1813 ) VANHAL, Jan Krtitel
( 11/02/1739 - 10/24/1799 ) DITTERSDORF, Karl Ditters von
( 1740 - 8/28/1767 ) SCHOBERT, Johann
( 5/09/1740 - 6/05/1816 ) PAISIELLO, Giovanni
( 1741 - 1781 ) ZIMMERMANN, Anton
( 2/08/1741 - 9/24/1813 ) GRETRY, Andre-Ernest-Modeste
( 4/17/1741 - 10/23/1801 ) NAUMANN, Johann Gottlieb
( 5/08/1742 - 2/19/1790 ) KRUMPHOLTZ, Johann Baptist
( 2/19/1743 - 5/28/1805 ) BOCCHERINI, Luigi
( 1744 - 1819 ) PETRINI, Francesco
( 2/20/1745 - 11/25/1815 ) SALOMAN, Johann Peter
( 5/08/1745 - 11/09/1801 ) STAMITZ, Carl Philipp
( 1746 - 12/29/1825 ) CAMBINI, Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino
( 1747 - 1800 ) SCHULZ, Johann Abraham Peter
( 6/26/1747 - 5/07/1818 ) KOZELUH, Leopold Jan Antonín
( 1748 - 1816 ) FIALA, Joseph
( 12/17/1749 - 1/11/1801 ) CIMAROSA, Domenico
( 1750 - 6/30/1792 ) ROSETTI, Francesco Antonio
( 3/23/1750 - 5/13/1812 ) SPERGER, Johann Matthias
( 8/18/1750 - 5/07/1825 ) SALIERI, Antonio
( 11/27/1750 - 10/27/1796 ) STAMITZ, Anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk

Known Baroque Era Composers
Johann Sebastian Bach, Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Vivaldi, Domenico Scarlatti, George Frideric Handel, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Henry Purcell

